
IT Contract JobSo you landed a great job. It’s at a great company with good pay and awesome coworkers. The commute is even ideal. It’s everything you ever hoped for, except for one thing. It’s a contract job. You are not what is considered a permanent employee of the company. You are an employee of a contract staffing firm and you work at this ideal company. So your goal now is to get converted to a “regular” employee. How do you make sure this happens? How do you make the best of your opportunity? While there are no guarantees, here are some tips to make your chances better.

1. Attitude – Don’t let your employment status affect your performance. You were selected by this company to fill a valuable roll. They saw value in you. Temp or not. This is your opportunity to prove they were right. Take on as much as you can and always be the first to volunteer when new projects come up. A positive, can-do attitude is half the battle to making yourself indispensable.

2. Learn, Learn, Learn – Learn as much as you can about the company and everyone’s role within the company. Use this information during meetings and conversations in the office. Demonstrate your eagerness to know as much about the company as you can and to be a valued contributor.

3. Build Relationships – Company’s hire people they like. This is also true when it comes to converting temporary employees to regular employees. Get to know your co-workers and offer to help when appropriate. Even if you don’t get converted to regular status, you will have a network of people that can act as a reference for you in the future.

4. Become Trustworthy – Are you a trusted member of the team? Do you do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it? Teach your co-workers that they can rely on you. Trust you. There isn’t a more valuable type of employee than a trusted one.

5. Monitor Internal Postings – You never know when a position that is a perfect fit will become available.

6. Communicate – Stay in touch with your staffing firm and let them know your intentions. They can work with the client to inform them of your objective and they can also monitor new IT positions that come in from the client. 

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